"I have enjoyed greatly the second blooming...
suddenly you find - at the age of 50, say -

that a whole new life has opened
before you."

-Agatha Christie

Saturday, July 31, 2010

To My Fellow Leo's...

Happy Birthday to all my fellow Leo's out there!  

Tomorrow I will be 52 and Ouch!  Somehow, I am into my 50's - and it has happened so quickly that I have hardly noticed!!

I want to thank God for my excellent health, as well as for all of the wonderful things that he has brought into my life.

I am looking forward to the coming year with much anticipation, hope, and gratitude.

Here's to a FANTASTIC year to all of us Leo's ~


Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Hawaii 2010 & Johnny Depp...

Well, am back from my 2010 Hawaiian trip and must say that this trip had a nice little added piece of fun to it!!

They are filming parts of the next Pirates of the Caribbean movie in Hawaii at the resort where we stayed!  Since I am a HUGE Johnny Depp fan, this was FANTASTIC!

I was able to get a few pics to share:
1.  The Black Pearl docked at the marina next door to where we stayed.
2.  The filming crew on location.
3.  The Deppster on the beach!!

What a HOT guy!!


Monday, July 12, 2010


Tomorrow I am leaving for my trip to Hawaii - the islands of Oahu and Maui to be exact!  I will not be back home until July 27th ~ Oh Yeah!

The photo is of Rabbit Island off the coast of Oahu ~ the water is gorgeous!  

To me, the Hawaiian Islands are some of the most beautiful places in the world.  

I cannot wait to touch my toes back into the Hawaiian sand!

The photo is the view from my balcony during my last trip to Hawaii ~ awesome memories and fun times!

You know that I will be thinking of everyone while I am there ~  Hawaii, ready or not, here I come!
As they say in Hawaii ~ ALOHA!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Vintage Objet d'art...

I think that my love of seashells must go even further back than I had originally thought...

My mother had this sewing basket while I was a young girl ~ and I, for whatever reason, was enamored with it!  I'm talking pretty young here - like 4 or 5!  I loved the variety of the seashells and just how beautiful I thought they were.  (see photo of my "cursive writing" as a 4 year old on the inside lid of this basket).

Since my mom always knew how much I loved this sewing basket, when she was ready to "give it up", she gave it to me!  

I absolutely love it and I display it as an objet d'art in my house!  (see photo of maker label).

Isn't it funny how/where your love of ANYTHING develops??

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Holy Mackerel!...

KinA few weeks ago, my soon to be 16 year old son, caught a 30.6 pound King Mackerel while fishing off of  the Oak Island Pier ~ Oak Island, NC. 
(Click on photo)

What an exciting catch for him, as this was his first King Mackerel Tournament!  His picture even made The State Port Pilot ~ the local Southport, NC  newspaper!

This boy always seems to be in the right place at the right time!  I am so happy for his (up to now) good fortune in life!

I CANNOT WAIT to see his future "catches" in life! :)